Where Do Ultra Wealthy People In The World Live?

Trending Script
2 min readMar 17, 2024


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Ultra-wealthy people around the world live in various locations, often choosing places that offer privacy, security, excellent infrastructure, and a high quality of life. Some of the most popular destinations for the ultra-wealthy include:

1. United States:

  1. Cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Miami attract billionaires due to their thriving business environments, world-class amenities, and diverse cultures.

2. Switzerland:

Known for its financial privacy, Switzerland is home to many wealthy individuals. Cities like Zurich and Geneva are popular among the ultra-rich due to their safety, high-quality education, and picturesque landscapes.

3. United Kingdom:

London, in particular, is a magnet for the super-rich, offering a mix of history, culture, and a strong economy.

4. Monaco:

This tiny European principality is a haven for the ultra-wealthy due to its tax-friendly policies, luxury lifestyle, and world-class yachting facilities.

5. Hong Kong:

As a global financial hub, Hong Kong attracts many billionaires due to its stable political environment, low tax rates, and strong economy.

6. Singapore:

With its business-friendly policies, advanced infrastructure, and low crime rate, Singapore is another popular destination for the ultra-wealthy.

7. Australia:

Cities like Sydney and Melbourne offer a high standard of living, natural beauty, and a stable political climate, making them attractive to the wealthy.

8. Dubai:

Known for its luxury lifestyle, modern architecture, and tax-free income, Dubai has become a popular destination for the ultra-rich.

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